Rave Positive Is Officially A Rave Mom
It is with great sadness, but also happiness that I must inform you guys that I have retired from raving... at least for the next year. Great news everyone, I'm pregnant!
Sad news everyone, I wont see anyone at any shows or festivals for a while. I will be continuing to make festival outfits and rave hoods and accessories and jewelry. However, I must admit that i have slowed down. My energy levels since getting pregnant are not what they used to be. Or rather, now I know that I must rest more because i get exhausted so much easier. The good thing about this pregnancy so far is that I am taking much better care of myself. I didn't realize how little sleep and how much caffeine I was consuming before this. I did take baby in my belly to some festivals this year. They went to EDC and Electric Forest!
Now, baby's ears are full grown and I dont want to damage their hearing with loud noises that shake my body, so I have mostly retired from raving for a while. I did go to Dabin at Wet & Wild here in Hawaii, but I'm making sure I'm only going to outside events where I can be as far back from the speakers as possible. That means no more indoor shows at Hawaiian Brian's or The Republik for me.
For those of you who have been following me on Instagram and Tiktok, thank you. My content will be changing from live shows to more outfit tutorials. I have also been dabbling in UGC and TikTok shop ads, so that is the direction I will be moving more towards this year as I am unable to rave for a while. Thank you for sticking by me through my creative process. And for those of you who have just stumbled upon my website and blog, welcome! My name is Alyssa AKA Rave Positive and I make handmade rave wear. I am sure I will have lots of content to bring you guys this year. I hope you enjoy it! And don't forget to check out the shop on my website...I've gotta start saving up for diapers!
I love you guys!! Rave Positive out!!